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Withershins Menagerie FAQs

  • How many days does it take to ship an order?
    It depends on what the item is. Typically it takes 3-5 days to ship the item, and 3-5 business days to arrive. If the item is a custom piece, the manufacturing time could be longer. That is dependent on the piece being made.
  • If you don't have something in stock that I want, can you order it?
    We special order herbs, collectibles, bags and clothing quite often. We will do our best to find what you're looking for.
  • Are the art pieces in the shop for sale?
    Yes and no. Some are, but some are for decoration.
  • Do my loyalty points count online?
    Unfortunately, we're unable to track loyalty points online at this time.
  • Do you ship anywhere?
    We will ship anywhere there are no restrictions. However, there may be extra shipping costs for some countries.
  • Is everything listed that you have in stock?
    No. We have a lot of work ahead of us with setting up the website. We appreciate your patience. We can make custom invoices for anything not yet listed, though. Just message or call us, and we'll be happy to help you.
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